Monday, September 22, 2008

My Best Friend

It's almost lunch time... kids are working at their desks, Brian is doing puzzles and Ashlinn is chatting with him. The sky is blue and it is a crisp September day.... the frost is gone and it is a balmy 5 C .
Besides schooling this morning I have booked hotels for us to stay at during Ashlinn's out of town hockey tournaments during this season, quickly read my email and adjusted the agenda for the Alter Server's Team meeting tonight, planned dinner, did two loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, yelled at Eamon to get out of bed and then to get out of the shower, looked at prices and ways to get Owen home for Thanksgiving, it won't work due to time and money constraints, and started to plan menus for the kids for the next week and a half, as Guy and I are leaving on Wednesday. I'm tired already! Ha... well, it will be fun to get away for a bit. Guy has got a medical conference in Toronto and I'm going along. I'll spend time roaming T.O., while he is studying on Thursday and Friday and then we will visit Mom and Dad and other friends over the weekend, and after that, we are just going to drive the long, long way home and explore the Ottawa area maybe. The best part is going to be being with my best friend on those long drives. For us it is a way to reconnect, and a lot of our life changing decisions have been made on long drives. Guy always has said "the more we walk and talk, the better we know each other..." and that we have a "friendship that caught fire.." I told him the other night during our pillow talk that the best decisions I have ever made were for chosing to follow God, marrying him and having our children. We are blessed!


Fr Seán Coyle said...


Now that I'm on the senior side I have more and more 'senior moments'. I posted the comment below in the wrong place!

I hope many married couples will read your blog and learn from it what marriage is meant to be.

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

I agree with Fr was a very inspiring post!