Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life is so fragile.

It was an accident. He was driving too fast, flipped the car off the road into a pond and drowned. He was 19. Another story in a newspaper. A sentence quickly read, a page turned, forgotten.
But the pain, the grief of the real people involved. He was a close friend of my daughter. She was talking with him just the other day. She promised him she'd come and visit him and their mutual gang of friends soon. Maybe if she'd called him that night, she had considered it and then being tired, didn't, maybe he would be alive now.... maybe....maybe..... and the tears, the heart breaking grief ..... it can't be possible..... the tears..... "Mommy, pray for him, pray for him..." weeping myself, I whisper, "I am, I will."
Even as an old ICU nurse, one never gets used to death. How is it possible that the body, this wonderful temple of the Holy Spirit, one moment animated and the next, gone. Gone home to the Lord.
He was the oldest of seven children, loved by his Mom and Dad, just thinking of their pain fills my heart with sadness.... Oh Jesus, I could never understand any of it.... it is almost too much to dwell on, come to their aid. Help all who are grieving... and welcome him home.

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