Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On Missing Monco and Meghan

Brian realized last evening, in bed, with sobs of anguish, that little Monco, his plush toy monkey was gone. Monco has followed him everywhere for the last few years. Brian is five and Monco is.... memory escapes me when he joined the family. He has had quite a few adventures since his arrival. Brian has tested out Monco's flying ability from the upper landing. He doesn't...but he does land in the artifical tree on the way down so we know he can climb. He can dry tears, sleep with Brian when he is not well, get squished up into a small ball, and has gone to Florida with us on vacation. This time he came with us to Smithville for my parents 50ieth. He was well behaved, watched Brian play soccer with his siblings and cousins, slept well at night and travelled well all the roundabout way back from Smithville to Trenton, where we dropped Ronan (12) off to Air Cadet camp and then on to North Bay. We couldn't drive anymore and slept overnight at a motel. Monco loves to sleep in motels, however he forgot to untangle himself from the covers in the morning and got left behind. I have made a call to the motel and they are mailing poor Monco home, he should be here in a day or two.

I explained this to Brian who listened carefully, sniffed significantly and sighed. "I will tell Daddy-O that he'll be home soon." (Daddy-O being Monco supposed larger father)

"That's great, sweetheart, now go to sleep." said I having resolved all the heartache.

"Noooo!" wailed he afresh, "I miss Meghan!!!!" Who, rightfully you ask, is she? She is his oldest sister who has returned to Smithville to drive her hockey crazy brother to hockey camp.... another story in its self. I talked with Brian about Jesus and the good angels and pleasing them and he dropped off to sleep.

Come home quick, Monco! Meg, too.

1 comment:

june cleaver said...

I even miss Monco! What a sweet story.