Thursday, October 30, 2008

I got inspired

I got inspired ... it has been years since I've done it so don't groan too loud.


Beauty in the words
Written by a stranger
Across the world
His world is far
Is he old?
It does not matter
It touched my soul
I like the words we can read
Not judged by sight,
One can see the beauty of the soul
It stirred my heart
And made me want to write


You are always on mind
Continually in my thoughts
I just wish I could hear your voice
Do I do enough for you?
Do I love you enough?
I don’t want to come to you empty handed
I hear you all around
In the wind
The sun
The trees
I wish I could know you more
Love you more
Feel you more
Is it enough to love him and the children?
To think of you always?
To give you everything?
Is this the little way?
For it seems so small
And insignificant
That I am


In the dark
We lie
Silky skin to skin
Soft bed and warm sheets caress us
Friends, lovers
We are timeless
We cannot see the wrinkles
Or time worn grey
We see and touch
The heart
The peace
The acceptance of who we really are
We glimpse at heaven
And rest
Knowing all is the grace of God


Cathy Adamkiewicz said...

Such lovely poetry! I haven't written a poem in ages...maybe I'll try again!
I'm so glad you came across my blog and posted a comment. I have found blogging to be such a grace; it ties me to sisters all over whom I would never have met otherwise. I hope you'll visit again so we can get to know each other...I'll be back to see you!

Fr Seán Coyle said...

Jackie, you have a way with words. Though I am a wordsmit and have always enjoyed writing, I could never turn my hand ot poetry, except the odd peace of doggerel under the name 'William Butler Shakespeare'!

But from time to time I use poetry in prayer and find that it can move me and give me a sense of God. I posted a poem by Norman McCaig, the Scottish poet, on my blog on 1 November: .

Each time I open your blog I feel the reality that I haven't met you and your family for so long. God bless you all.

Fr Seán Coyle said...

'Wordsmith'! 'Wordsmit' sounds Dutch, if not double-Dutch!

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Very talented!